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Best Life Masterclass
Welcome to the Best Life Masterclass
Welcome (2:39)
Download the Workbook
How to Get the Most Out of This Class (4:43)
About Stacy
Studio 1: Backstage
Backstage Overview (1:35)
Values (4:06)
Core Desired Feelings (5:05)
Studio 2: EP Record
Life Tracks That Compose Your Personal Record (7:33)
Body (9:53)
Finances (5:34)
Environment (9:08)
Soul (4:59)
Lifework (6:48)
Relationships (5:26)
Mind (7:24)
Fun (6:57)
EP Track Assessment (4:43)
Studio 3: Setlist
Setlist Overview (3:42)
Self Care (7:58)
Hygge (6:47)
Fluff Your Day (3:53)
Adventure (5:38)
Studio 4: Tour
Take Your Best Life on Tour (2:42)
Tour Planning (5:11)
Tour Schedule (7:05)
Wrap Up
Final Thoughts (3:26)
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